Archive for February, 2024

From MSG OG Soda:

Posted: February 23, 2024 by Kat Meow in Uncategorized

Tonight I have officially signed over ownership to my MUSIC-SURVIVAL-GUIDE project to my dear and very longtime friend, Kat @a_kat_a_day – This has been a long time coming as she came on as “co” whatever probably 2 years ago. At it’s peak I had the gears really turning and had incredible luck interviewing artists that I have unwavering respect for. I was sent advance albums to review. Care packages arrived at my doorstep. Artists were contacting ME to occupy space on something I created just out of sheer joy for music and writing. Nearly 10 years ago I made my first post and about a year ago I made what I guess, right now anyway, would be my final contribution. Nothing is ever really “done” anymore, so, who knows. I do know it is in good hands. You may see the style and tastes change as Kat certainly has her own voice. But her integrity and intellect will no doubt make it still something special. Please continue to pop into the site at:


There is even an IG page @officialmusicsurvivalguide

Also, please, if you have never, check out the plethora of wonderful interviews and episodes I did over on YT:

The pedigree of artists that trusted me and lent me their time is quite honestly, astounding.

And on a final, personal note. I may forever remain an underground artist who cobbles together an eccentric living. The success I was meant to have may never fully manifest itself. However, the quality of my work and my professionalism will always speak for itself. Thanks for reading and always remember to support your indie artists as you may be the sink or swim that keeps the small boat afloat.

A note from Kat: Soda, this treasure trove will remain alive on these interwebs as a labor of love should.  MSG is visibility for a myriad of diamonds in the rough.  Thank you for your trust.