Archive for the ‘3RDEYEGIRL’ Category

What can be said, that hasn’t already been said a thousand times…We put together a nice little tribute to Prince here. It’s honest and from the heart. We even got a few friends on the phone to share a thought or two. Listen and share along. Much love.

Also, if you want to revisit the original write up Soda did when Prince first passed please do here:


Listen on SoundCloud



Posted: April 21, 2016 by Soda in 3RDEYEGIRL, General, Minneapolis, Prince, Prince & The Revolution


There won’t be any first, second…or third drafts. I can only flow with the go and take my fingers as fast as they can run over these keys, impossible to keep time with the thoughts in my mind.

I turned around earlier today, 04/21/16 and saw my friend approaching me with a very solemn look upon her face. “Soda, Prince is dead…” No, this obviously cannot be right. It’s a mistake, it’s someone else, they are wrong – was of course my reaction. Then disbelief and shock turned to sadness. Shortly after that the word started to spread, the internet was being informed of the passing. Of. Prince. It was a very hard fact. My phone then started to blow up. I couldn’t even think straight. All focus was gone, I had an instant headache and just felt sick. I called one of my dearest friends who would always say Prince was her soulmate. I called one of my sisters in between texts from other family and friends. This was very real.

I did not know Prince personally. Although I do believe we would have hit it off. I was, am and will forever be passionately into his work. 2016 has proven to be one of the worst years for heroes, idols and beyond in the world of entertainment. People die all the time, close to us and far from us, we definitely should put more compassion into things in our life other than the death of a “celebrity” that is most certain. But this one, this one is really earth shattering and I can’t say I wasn’t one of those people that didn’t instantly drop a post on Facebook about Prince being gone, because I did. And the world is going crazy as I type this. You see, he was a very special soul, otherworldly even.  And again…I didn’t know him personally. Although, someone that gives you 35 plus years of Music and art and everything in between you kinda feel like you know them. I was introduced to Prince at a young age, my Sisters having some of his albums on cassette tape. I’d hear it, see it…not understand it at all being a little kid like I was. I did always love the music from Purple Rain, it was just easy and certainly a curiosity and always kept me interested. I worshiped The Revolution. As I got older I started to listen to a lot of music and understand it more and really embrace it as a part of my life that would be an intravenous to my heart, truly. There was a period of time where I didn’t listen to Prince all that much when I was growing up and exploring my own tastes and likes. But, it certainly came back around and it was like a beautiful car crash. It was major. He then inspired me in every way, shape and form. He made me feel more comfortable about what I wanted to do on a stage when I first started performing. He was an artist that made me feel better about being myself. I dug deeper into his catalogue, sounds and words and looks. I then realized how important Prince was to my life as an aspiring musician, writer…artist. I’m one of a zillion people that shed a tear for this man today like he was our Brother. In so many ways, he was. Being able to sit down and write and just let my feelings flow about how much I adored this man is so helpful. Seeing so many people share their feelings has been beautiful. Watching so many other major artists tell their stories and seeing the massive respect everyone had for him. The adulation I myself have cannot be measured. That smirk, that cocky attitude, that tiny waist, those frills, that voice! His screaming guitars are forever burned into my brain. His versatility, his ease at writing a hook and playing every damned instrument. God gave Prince everything. He broke all the rules and made his own, shit, he WAS the rules. And you know, really…he will never truly die. The only thing any artist of any kind dreams of doing is making even a bit of an impact. Prince was more like a supernova and I am truly crushed. I’m really feeling this one. Silly or not, I will infinitely miss him. We are going to learn so much over the next few days as to why he passed. He was young, only 57 and always healthy from what we knew. He had been sick the last week or two with flu-like symptoms. Obviously that grew into something much more. No one is immortal, contrary to what any of us thought. Prince…was a human being and he has been called back home.

There will never be another like him, you’ll hear it hundreds of times over the next few days. To you, my fellow Gemini, I’m so grateful for what you have given me, my life is forever enriched because of you. I’d say the world has gone black, but clearly it has gone purple. Party Up.

8 Royal Minutes

Posted: November 5, 2014 by Soda in 3RDEYEGIRL, Minneapolis, Prince, Television

This past Saturday night, the Purple One descended on New Yorks NBC Studios for Saturday Night Live. News was broken through Facebook via the 3RDEYEGIRL Facebook page just about a week or so before. Seems Prince has embraced the Internet a bit more recently after proclaiming, “The Internet’s completely over” a few years back. Gotta love the man…

The night after Halloween, Prince and his 3RDEYEGIRL’s did indeed bring their electricity to the SNL stage, making history with an 8-minute plus medley. Who would have really said, “No, we can’t accommodate that” anyways, right?

Hosting the night was the ever-annoying Chris Rock who proclaimed how lucky we all were as he introduced Prince to the stage to a steadfast and anxious crowd who responded with bluster.

At first only getting a glimpse of puffy white clouds from a stage screen filled with the bluest of skies as the band started their jam. “Y’all ready?” Prince was behind the keyboard sporting his 3-lensed sunglasses as they opened with “Clouds” off of his new album ARTOFFICIALAGE with singer Lianne La Havas front and center on most of the lead vocal. Then melting seamlessly into some hot riffage from instrumental PLECTRUMELECTRUM from the 3RDEYEGIRL debut of the same name in which Prince then magically appeared where Ms. La Havas seconds before stood embracing his guitar and hitting us with sickening and fuzzy dual 6 string action alongside soon to be guitar hero Donna Grantis who looked like she just stepped out of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, fierce indeed. Then came the fast and fun track MARZ which is just over 2 minutes long and is absolute rock splendor. A quick second pause into the conclusion of the medley with ANOTHERLOVE which is just such a phenomenal piece of music full of even more regal guitar work, one of his finest, reminding us that Prince can write any kind of song at any point in his career as a pioneer of music, endlessly breaking down walls.

Also on stage with the core band was a back-up singer seeming to do some minor percussion, Joshua Welton who worked a bit on both of the new records and another session player on the keyboard Prince had left behind early in the set.

Proving once again that he is untouchable and backed by a fresh band full of strong and brilliant women he left us with a gracious bow and a sweet smirk. Prince and his 3RDEYEGIRL are a force to be reckoned with for sure, fresh and edgy; some of his greatest work in years if you ask me.

At the end of the night when the cast and guests lined up to wish viewers a goodnight all were there except for the little Prince. Was he whisked off to an after party in which he was prepping to play ‘til the sun rose? Was he beamed back to the mother ship, or simply making a trip to the bathroom? Ah, the endless awe of Prince.

Both new records are out now.

Prince/3RDEYEGIRL/SNL 2014

Prince/3RDEYEGIRL/SNL 2014